
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Casa de Kirby

Nothing has made this whole process feel more real for me than getting the keys to our apartment.

We looked online for about a week and made a few appointments to walk through places, but the first place we looked in person we were pretty much sold. It's the tiniest little place you ever did see, but it's super nice and refurbished (laminate hardwood floors, woot!), in our price range and in the location we were hoping for... plus it has a community garden, motion-sensor lights, a parking spot AND is within walking distance to my beloved sweet teas. Seriously.

We knew if we waited it'd be gone... so we jumped on it. Put in an application and paid the deposit the next day! Cah-razy, but no regrets so far! And now for the pictures...

The outside! There are only 3 apartments in the building. The only part of ours that you can see is the tiny bathroom window above the mini cooper (which is in our parking spot).

The view from the front door + my handsome fiance

Taken from the corner opposite the front door. The living room and kitchen is all one big room. That door you see leads to the bedroom/bathroom.

The other side of the kitchen--love the catty-corner sink :)

From a corner in the bedroom, that's our closet on the right with the bathroom straight ahead. The counter is the sink, which is outside of the bathroom (which we're excited about).

The mirrored closet with built-in shelves

Another view of the sink

Signing the application!

So unreal... but I'm moving in on Sunday! WOW...

48 days!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


It's been almost 50 days since my last post (in which I promised to write a new post soon). *blush*

Here's my pathetic excuse: this blogging thing started off so smoothly because the wedding planning thing started off smoothly. One thing at a time. I had a good little check list going. But then I hit a wall, and that was is called indecision. All of the sudden, instead of one big decision at a time, I had a thousand little decisions to make, none of which needed to be made at a specific point in time. Instead of knowing exactly what I wanted to write about, I had a million half-baked ideas of what I could potentially someday write about.

That, plus I am never sure how much to say on this little blog of mine, since I always feel slightly like I'm ruining Christmas for whoever is reading this by telling you what all of the presents are as I buy them. (No I'm not full of it... it's the only analogy I could come up with.)

That being said, our wedding is in 51 days (!!!) so those decisions are starting to be made. Over the course of the last few months, we've bought tons of mason jars, gotten lots and lots of fabric, sent out invitations, started working on the dessert buffet menu, and even had three showers already (with one on Sunday!). On top of that, Trevor and I found an apartment (more on that to come) and I just finished my last college class EVER here as an undergrad at PLNU. It's been a strange whirlwind of emotions, to say the least.

But I digress. To summarize... I'm sorry, and I promise to do better... at least slightly.